Jim Corbett National Park

Renaming Jim Corbett National Park: A Big Controversy in India

Jim Corbett National Park

The attempt by the government at the time to rename famous landmarks. Their colonial titles for their Indian names, and their ancestral heritage. Corbett in india has become a matter has recently piqued the nation’s and intellectuals’ interest. When Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey visit Jim Corbett National Park on October 3, 2021. He state in the museum book that the park’s. Name should be change to ‘Ram Ganga.’ This sparke significant controversy. ‘National Park’ should be create, and it should be name as such.

Jim Corbett National Park covers 520 square kilometers of hilly terrain and is the country’s first national park. It was first establish in 1935 and was formerly know as ‘Hailey’s national park. Name after the then-Governor of the ‘United Provinces’ corbett in india has become a matter during the British government.

According to the national park’s website, it was briefly name ‘Ram Ganga national park’ following independence from 1952 and 1957. It was rename in honor of Edward James Corbett in 1955. A year after the famous hunter, tracker, and conservationist died of a heart attack in Nyeri, Kenya.

The ‘Corbett tiger reserve,’ which covers 1288 square kilometers, attracts over 3 lakh people each year. generating a healthy income of around Rs 10 crores from eco-tourism. which has been carefully cultivated over the centuries by nature-lovers. Surprisingly, ‘Ram Ganga’ is the name of a river that runs through the national park. And is a thriving habitat for crocodiles and fish of all shapes and sizes.

Ironically, our ministers and people in public places shoot their lips first and then consider the catastrophic effect of their words later in leisure on certain subjects. That are the only realm of professionals in that field. Shri Ashwini Kumar Chaubey, the minister in question. Dared to say a few days later in Kevadiaunder the ‘Narmada’ district. that He had asked his ministry to ask the Uttrakhand government to send the proposal in this regard to the Union Government. Because, according to him, the locals of the area wanted the name ‘Jim Corbett’ changed to ‘Ram Ganga national park.’

The saving grace in this entire controversy sparked by the union forest ministry’s excessive attitude is that the Uttrakhand government has rejected any change in the name of the national park in question, putting to rest all rumors circulating on social media.

You can visit our Jim Corbett safari booking website to get tickets in advance.

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